;; The lib we need
(require scheme/tcp)
;; Set a port for listening
(define tcp-port-listener (tcp-listen 90))
(define listening (lambda ()
(define-values (client->me me->client)
(tcp-accept tcp-port-listener)) ;;监听90端口的信息
(set! output-file (open-output-file "server.info" #:exists 'truncate))
(let loop((me (read client->me))) ;;读取将客户机发送的消息保存到me
((eof-object? me) '()) ;;判断读取文件是否到了最后eof
((list? me) ;;判断是否是一个列表
(display "running")
;;将me的参数传个新定义的ls,进行判断是不是为空,然后写入server.info文件里面去。每写完一句,换行继续写。写完后关闭输入输出和监控 端口的流。
(let loop2((ls me))
(if (null? (cdr ls)) (write (car ls) output-file)
(display (car ls))
(write (car ls) output-file)
(newline output-file)
(loop2 (cdr ls)))))))
(display me)
(loop (read client->me))))))
(close-output-port output-file)
(close-input-port client->me)
(close-output-port me->client)
":"; exec /usr/local/plt/bin/mzscheme -rq $0 "$@"
(display "content-type: text/plain")
(define output-list (lambda (output-file list-name)
(let loop((out list-name))
(if (null? (cdr out)) (write (car out) output-file)
(write (car out) output-file)
(newline output-file)
(loop (cdr out)))))
(close-output-port output-file))) ;;关闭输出流
(define output-port (open-output-file "server.info" #:exists 'truncate))
(define new-display (lambda (n)
(display n)
(display "The following environment variables are not request-specific and are set for all requests:SERVER_SOFTWARE,SERVER_NAME,GATEWAY_INTERFACE")
(define non-request (cons (getenv "SERVER_SOFTWARE")
(cons (getenv "SERVER_NAME")
(cons (getenv "GATEWAY_INTERFACE") '()))))
(for-each new-display non-request)
(display "The following environment variables are specific to the request being fulfilled by the gateway
(define request (cons (getenv "SERVER_PROTOCOL")
(cons (getenv "SERVER_PORT")
(cons (getenv "SERVER_METH0D")
(cons (getenv "PATH_INFO")
(cons (getenv "PATH_TRANSLATED")
(cons (getenv "SCRIPT_NAME")
(cons (getenv "QUERY_STRING")
(cons (getenv "REMOTE_HOST")
(cons (getenv "REMOTE_ADDR")
(cons (getenv "AUTH_TYPE")
(cons (getenv "REMOTE_USER")
(cons (getenv "REMOTE_INDENT")
(cons (getenv "CONTENT_TYPE")
(cons (getenv "CONTENT_LENGTH") '())))))))))))))))
(for-each new-display request)
(define HTTP-spec (cons (getenv "HTTP_ACCEPT")
(cons "HTTP_USER_AGENT" '())))
(for-each new-display HTTP-spec)
;(output-list output-port (append non-request (append request HTTP-spec)))
;; Client will try to connect the server,and port is 5566.
(define-values (server->me me->server)
(tcp-connect "localhost" 90))
;; Send the server infos to tcp server
;;将 CGI的值传给server。
(write (append non-request (append request HTTP-spec)) me->server)
;; remember that if you are not going to close the port,your infos still
;; in buffers that will not send
(close-output-port me->server)
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