示例代码为C语言,输入参数中,需要 排序的数组为array[],起始索引为first,终止索引为last。示例代码的函数采用in-place排序,调用完成后,array[]中从 first到last处于升序排列。
这个是c++语言版 本的插入排序。为了支持list使用了std::advance()。
void insertion_sort(char array[], unsigned int first, unsigned int last) { int i,j; int temp; for (i = first+1; i<=last;i++) { temp = array[i]; j=i-1; //与已排序的数逐一比较,大于temp时,该数移后 while((j>=first) && (array[j] > temp)) { array[j+1] = array[j]; j--; } array[j+1] = temp; } }
void InsertSort(char array[],unsigned int n) { int i,j; int temp; for(i=1;i<n;i++) { temp = array[i];//store the original sorted array in temp for(j=i ; j>0 && temp < array[j-1] ; j--)//compare the new array with temp { array[j]=array[j-1];//all larger elements are moved one pot to the right } array[j]=temp; } }
#includetemplate<typename biIter> void insertion_sort(biIter begin, biIter end) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits<biIter>::value_type value_type; biIter bond = begin; std::advance(bond, 1); for(; bond!=end; std::advance(bond, 1)) { value_type key = *bond; biIter ins = bond; biIter pre = ins; std::advance(pre, -1); while(ins!=begin && *pre>key) { *ins = *pre; std::advance(ins, -1); std::advance(pre, -1); } *ins = key; } }
TYPE link=^node; node=record data:string; next:link; end; VAR p,q,head,n:link; t,m:integer; f1,f2:text; i:string; BEGIN assign(f1,'lianbiao-name-in.txt'); reset(f1); assign(f2,'lianbiao-name-out.txt'); rewrite(f2); head:=nil; read(f1,t); readln(f1); read(f1,i); new(p); p^.data:=i; p^.next:=nil; head:=p; readln(f1); read(f1,i); FOR m:=2 TO t DO BEGIN p:=head; new(n); n^.data:=i; while (i>p^.data) and (p^.next<>nil) do begin q:=p; p:=p^.next; end; if idata then begin n^.next:=head; head:=n; end else if (i>p^.data) and (p^.next=nil) then begin p^.next:=n; n^.next:=nil; end else begin q^.next:=n; n^.next:=p; end; readln(f1); read(f1,i); end; p:=head; while p<>nil do begin write(f2,p^.data,' '); p:=p^.next; end; CLOSE(f1); CLOSE(f2); END.